Friday, March 28, 2008


  I feel compelled to let you know that I am by no means an expert on adoption, attachment disorders, parenting, discipline and now that I think of it, anything.  This is just one of thousands of stories.  No two children are exactly alike and certainly each parents reactions are different.  I can easily tell you there are MANY that could have done a better job than I.  The Lord either had an enormous amount of faith in me or he was taking a really big risk.  I have to believe it was the first, because being a gambler certainly is not one of His attributes.
I am apprehensive to try to tell my story in print because I know I will not be able to convey the torment that I have felt.  I wish, at times, that her behaviors were more blatant and obvious.  If she were starting fires, killing the neighbors cat or being violent it would be so much easier for you to see the difficulties.  But she is very passive.  I suppose she was doing the worse things she could think of in her 4,5,6 year old world. And she didn't need to burn down the house because what she was doing was giving her the desired effects.  

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