I just couldn't provide the physical affection required of me. I didn't even want to sit down and read her a book. Thankfully Jay was able to do all the things I couldn't do, until I could do them. But it felt like never. My heart had become so bitter and resentful. Even with the knowledge I had now, that all her acts against me weren't so much to hurt me as reactions to a broken and sick child, I couldn't seem to let it go.
This torment that I felt from not being able to do what was required of me was second only to the anguish I feel about how I treated her especially during the first year and half in our home. Simply not knowing what was going on is not a good enough excuse for me. I am working on accepting forgiveness for my actions.
I explain my journey to forgiveness in a talk I was asked to give shortly after coming through all of this. I don't mention Victoria by name and I imagine most in the congregation had no idea I was speaking of my own daughter. I know that each of us have our own way of dealing with difficulties in our lives and for me, it required a spiritual change.